Tuesday 31 August 2021

The Dance Goes On

I recall an ex-girlfriend, from many years ago, say the words "Why me?" in a sad and plaintive voice upon hearing hearing some terrible news. She was asking the wrong question. The actual question should be "Why not?". I mean seriously, why not you? Why somebody else when it comes to life's misfortunes? You think the universe cares? I know, this sounds cold, heartless even. But just take pause. Why do you think that the universe owes you some special dispensation? Some waiver from the pain and the grief and randomness of it all? What are you thinking buddy? That there's some guiding hand, somebody pulling those celestial gears and levers so things work out as they do? I'm sorry but no, and when you have the courage to accept that terrifying reality you actually fortify yourself. So where does that leave us? Well that's easy; just where we were to begin with, which is actually often better than you think. If you want to see justice in the world you need to cultivate it. If you want to see less cruelty you have to be less cruel. You want more love? Then be more loving. I think you get the point. By saying "Why me" you're like a musician arriving at the Albert Hall and then expecting someone in the crowd to provide the music. It doesn't work that way. Life is a symphony that needs to be played by every member in the band. You, me, and a billion others. And the music starts when we begin to play,and the tune we compose will tell us what kind of people we are. My favourite music is that created by people who are honest and real, inventive and passionate. That's a tune I'll dance to all day. Conversely, liars and deceivers and the indolent grate on me. Along with those who simply expect the world to dance to their beat. When we get the harmonies right the world is a spectacular place, frothing with colour and beauty and spectacle. There's an energy in the connection, a truth in the rythm, a power that outstrips anything I've seen elsewhere. So my advice to myself, and actually to you, would be to find a beat that adds to the positive energy. I don't always know what that looks like for me, but I know it when I hear it. I expect it is the same for you. The world isn't going to come to your rescue but sometimes it will honour your endeavour, so try to be the best that you can be. Try to be the truest, most complete, most expansive version of yourself whenever you can. And encourage others when they dance too, and be sure to look out for those who, for whatever reason, are really struggling to dance themselves. Life can be cruel and unkind and completely without mercy, but we don't have to be. There's a line in the opening sequence of Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade, when a young Indy, further to some heroic exploits, is bested by an older and wiser adversary. The guy comes up to him and says, "You lost today kid. It doesn't mean you have to like it", before placing the famous fedora in the young lads head. Those are wise words indeed. We'll fail and we'll succeed, and sometimes feel like it isn't worth dancing at all. On those days just tap your feet. Do what you can. And believe that the dance goes on.

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