Thursday 20 January 2022

Low Quality Women

Youtube is going to get me into real trouble someday. I was watching a video and the term "Low quality women" was used. This immediately fizzed into my brain and had all the makings of an incendiary blog post, so obviously I wasn't able to resist. By the way, I can already feel your heckles rising, and don't care. Just thought I should get that bit out the way. So, pet hates of yours truly, and in no particular order, include the following. There's a certain kind of women who seems to take such delight in denigrating their partner, always speaking about them in negative terms, reducing them to simple minded avatars in desperate need of guidance. I wonder why such elite women would be remaining with such a man, as clearly they lack all the requisite ability to command your respect? Above all, whenever I hear a women talking in this way its a huge red flag because it speaks directly into their own integrity. If I had an issue with my amazing lady I would raise it with her rather than belching it into a busy office. Besides, what does it say about a women who so quickly shares deep and intimate details about the person they are sharing their life with? It's a grotesque non-quality and speaks volumes. And then there's the 1st base girl; the one who's desperate for a relationship yet entirely ill equipped to actually flourish in one because they are too busy over thinking everything. Every gesture, every word, every mannerism the poor guy makes. For goodness sake you dappy moo just chill. You need the let the fella breathe. And then we can't not mention the "Because I'm worth it" girl. You're a human being and not a bloody shampoo advert, and besides just bare in mind you might not actually be worth it. You might be easy on the eye, a fine specimen by all accounts, but you're just too wrapped up in you, and that's tedious. Oh, and a special mention to the girl who say's "All the best men are taken". No no no; they are simply avoiding you. By best men I'm assuming you mean self aware one's? Clever one's? Emotionally intelligent and all that jazz? Why would such a man come within a country mile of you? I mean what's in it for them other than the obvious? Ok, I am being mischieveous with this and I am over egging the pudding. But these creatures do exist because I have happened across them down the years. Whilst today's post is mostly done with the express intent of having a laugh, I cannot help suspect that some of you reading this might see elements of yourself. If so I'm really not sure what to say. I don't know if i've done you a favour or just made you dislike me even more. Ending on a positive, if I were to offer some thoughts on what comprises a high quality women, I would place at the top of the list integrity. The best women do absolutely come in all shapes and sizes and have a certain something about them. A presence, an elegance, a confidence that comes from within and not built upon the denigration of others. Women like that take my breath away. I remain thankful that for reasons which are entirely mysterious to me I appear to have won the lottery when it comes to my better half. And I do mean better. She's civilised me (mostly) in ways that I would not have thought possible. She has made me a better man, and that ain't easy. To conclude, I will once more return to a quote from the late and legendary Paul Newman. A good looking guy and sharp as a tack. When interviewed once he was asked whether he had ever been tempted to stray from his wife, to whom he remained happily married for many years. Bare in mind that he was a real heart throb in his prime. His response has been a guiding light to me, as he simply observed, "Why would I go out for a burger when I can have steak at home?" I have nothing to add to that. . .

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