Wednesday 20 October 2021

Netflix, Some Elements Of The Trans Community, And The Curious Case Of Dave Chapelle

For the uniniated Dave Chapelle is a comedian. I can take him or leave him. He can be bit edgy on occasions. Some people don't like this and have tried to have his latest Netflix special removed from the service. Potted version, he made a few jokes about the trans community and also dared to agree with JK Rowling when she was critical of the same demographic. Full disclosure, I fully support the trans community and feel strongly that a person should always have the opportunity to be the truest version of themselves. This to me is basic kindness. But, I caveat this by adding that I think there is a sub section within this community that has gone about things in an entirely dumbass way. Now I expect the vast majority of those who self designate as trans are perfectly rational and see the world through a well informed lens. Sadly, there is also a very vocal fringe that appears to think that the best way to deal with voices of dissent is to silence them. Consequently, I fear that they are losing a lot of support from people who would otherwise be on their side. So here's the thing; we live in a world of opposing viewpoints. It is by the sharing of these that we come to better understand each other. Conversation is a wonderful way of resolving misunderstanding, reducing tension, and building bridges. When we don't talk, and when we actively deny others a voice we do an unspeakable harm. Silence can breed resentment and misunderstanding, and lead to the kind of violence with which we are all too familiar. So whilst this vocal trans minority may think they are acting wisely what they are actually doing to placing a ticking time bomb beneath their own cause. They are actively self harming, yet many seem oblivious to this. Now you all know me as someone who will happily wade in to difficult topics, and to me this issue is clear. It's painfully simple. Live and let live. You have your voice and I shall have mine, and through the free exchange of ideas we'll figure something out. I get that some opinions can be hurtful, and there are things we might prefer not to hear. In the case of Netflix we have this remarkable piece of technology called a remote control. We can change channel. It's quite something. Today over a 1000 staff at Netflix are staging a walk out because the Dave Chapelle comedy special has been allowed to remain on air. Their efforts to cancel yet another voice have failed, and I'm delighted. Dear trans community; you don't get to tell me what I can find funny. You do not get to tell me what I can and cannot watch. And you sure as fuck don't get to tell me who get's to speak and who does not. Your actions are sending a horrible message to the world and you need to cut this nonsense out. You are not the thought police. We do not require such a service. People like me are on your side, but if you keep this up your going to be hemorrhaging allies that would otherwise have your back.

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