Wednesday 21 April 2021

Cut This Bullshit Out

I am so fucking sick of this. The race baiting, the claims of racism every single time a person of colour his killed by Police. It appears that there is a certain vocal section of the planet that just see racism everywhere. Take the case of Ma’Khia Bryant, 16 year old black girl shot by police shortly after the Chauvin trial concluded. Police in Columbus took the extraordinary step of releasing bodycam footage of the incident just hours after the event. This was to get out ahead of the inevitable claims of racist police gunning down in cold blood an innocent black minor. Of course even this wasn’t quick enough because the narrative was already out there. I strongly suggest everybody watch the bodycam footage as it shows Ma’Khia holding a knife having already pushed one person to the ground before forcing another black girl against a car and raising the knife to strike. The attending Officer has seconds to react, and after issuing a verbal warning he is faced with allowing a potentially lethal stabbing to occur or shoot the person with the weapon. His actions were heroic and may well have saved a life, but no that won’t do. I mean we’re meant to believe that if we are white we must be racist. We must have some curdling hatred of people of colour which motivates us to do foul and heinous deeds. Enough. Just cut this insane bullshit out. Stop seeing racism everywhere you look and stop race baiting. It’s causing a division amongst society and the premise is built upon a falsehood. There is no white on black genocide. There is no crusade to ethnically cleanse an entire race. Legacy media such as the BBC and CNN to name but two have a moral obligation to report the news with impartiality and integrity, and they are failing again and again to come even close. And this is driving a wedge through the heart of us, and it can lead us nowhere good. I repeat again, for the umpteenth time, we need to root out racism when we encounter it but we must not conjure up racism when it is not present. Horrible organisations like BLM would have you believe that white people are the devil incarnate. That we are seeking to keep our knee on the necks of all who differ. This is a poisonous and rancid doctrine and I intend to speak out against it at every possible opportunity. I won’t be the caricature you want me to be. I won’t accept the label you ascribe me. I am a proud white man and a proud Englishman and I am for creating a world where there is opportunity and hope for all. I am sick and tired of the vitriol and the misinformation, but more than that I’m sick of people’s rank stupidity. For fuck sake learn to fact check. Don’t just accept claims like some lobotomized cretin. You need to be wiser, sharper, and a whole lot less gullible. There’s a time for anger and indignation and we all have a part to play in making society better and more diverse. But focus on the real problems because goodness knows there’s no shortage. Social deprivation, poverty, or any number of other’s. Just enough of the nonsense talk about race and racism because all we are doing is forcing ourselves further apart just at the time when we need to be doing the reverse.

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