Friday 2 August 2019

Still A Bit Of A Tosser. . . .

Oh boy, I'm gonna' be rusty. Haven't blogged this year. Some of you may have noticed that I disappeared from social media for an extended period. A deliberate choice, something I needed to do. Step back, extricate, call it whatever you want. There's no real reason for me to return either. My life is ticking along very nicely. I am the parent of adult daughter as of June 11th this year. I've also been married to Joy for 21 years as of 23rd May. These are milestones I'm proud of, but the work isn't done. I've more to learn, more errors in my thinking to correct. More authenticity to aspire to. My life, just like your own, is a perpetual motion machine, an ever changing and fluctuating thing that we should never take for granted. And I mean never. This was bought into stark relief last December when Dawn Turvey died suddenly, knocking a lot of us sideways. She was a true original and never afraid to be different. I had some cracking conversations with her down the years, mostly at work functions. Covered religion as we were both raving atheists, and also things such as sexuality, which we nailed during a hilarious 2 hour conversation at a Carribean restaurant in Milton Keynes. Heaven knows what those around us were thinking; I knew several were attuned. They could have commented at any point but I expect they were too self conscious, which is not an affliction either Dawn nor I suffered from. Just as an aside, I really haven't changed a great deal. I still find most of the people I meet tedious and uninteresting, but that's OK because those offended by that are just the kind of people I don't want to be bothered with anyway. Win, win, as the mantra goes. And for those that know me they'll just roll their eyes at my propensity to come straight out with this kind of thing. That's probably why they put up with me. So here's the deal; feel free to take as much offence as you can muster, or just just laugh at my candour, or despise it. Matters not, in the greater scheme. We're all going the way of the Dodo some day so we may as well just have a jolly high time of it in the interim. My new favourite quote is that nobody, when on their death bed, will look up and say, "I wish I'd eaten fewer pub lunches". You could revise that in any number of ways, but the essence is the same. "Are you going to regret having too much wildly creative sex?" or denying aspects of your psyche because society indicates you should? Pro tip; don't do that. Don't be robbed of who you truly are by some unseen societal plumb line. Be that person you've always wanted to. Try to bring some happiness into the lives of others along the way. Spend time with those who matter, and less with those who do not. Be you. Be unbridled. Explore what's under the hood, seek to live in a way that's authentic and genuine and real. I'm not preaching, by the way. I don't think I'd make a very good preacher. I like reality just a little too much.
So to conclude, I'm back. And I'm still a bit of a tosser. . .

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