Friday 20 May 2022

I Think I Might Be An Anti Feminist

I adore women. I truly do. They have so many qualities that this world so dearly needs. Compassion, stoicism, intellect to name but three. Yet I will never be a feminist. Confused? Don't be. It's just when i interact with real feminists it seems that not many of them are actually happy. They want it all and think that it is a realistic expectation, when the sad truth is, irrespective of whether you are a man or a woman life is abrim with compromise. Trade offs are everywhere. You can only do so much. I see little value in trying to shoehorn too much into too little, and it strikes me that feminism is nothing if not exhausting. Another gripe i have is that sometimes i see a certain type of feminist that appears committed to exhibiting the worst excesses of the worst kind of men. What's that about? What's to admire about that? I often think many women are blind to the actual real world power that they already have should they choose to deploy it. Men are easy to beguile and intoxicate, and it's no mystery that many of the most successful women have that ability in spades. Is it preying on the predictable weaknesses of men? Perhaps. Is it exploitative? Sometimes. But it is a gift most of you were freely given and, deep down, most guys adore that feature anyway but just won't admit it to themselves. Ok so maybe I'm just projecting my own version of fantasy onto the modern world, but this is my blog so I can. All I am suggesting is that women are already powerfully equipped to conquer, and the best one's do so on a daily basis, leaving most men ignorant to the fact. You're mostly smarter, and less beholden to dangerous excess. The world is already your oyster in so many ways. So when I encounter prickly women who bemoan that the cards are stacked against them I find myself quietly suspecting that they might not be tapping into their full feminine power. For my part there is no force on Earth like a woman who truly understands her own mind and steps powerfully into the truest version of herself. A women who can communicate her expectations and desires and leave those around her in no doubt of the fact. So at the risk of being dismissed as sexist or condescending (like i'd care) perhaps I can encourage each and every lady who is reading this to step a little more into themselves. Don't apologise for who you are or think that you have to be submissive and accomodating all the time. You don't. You never did. And it shouldn't take a world weary fool such as me to remind you.

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