Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Real victims, real lives

Most of you who read this know what I do for a living. I of course cannot comment on specifics, but my role does afford me a certain insight into the lives of the victims of crime. One learns quickly that, contrary to what anybody might tell you, there is rarely any justice in the world. What comes around doesn't always go around, and it's a terrible reality that those most vulnerable often pay the highest price. It's impossible to speak to the 90 year old victim of a distraction burglary, or a women caught in an abusive domestic relationship without feeling rage at the offenders. And what of the children? Babies left to starve by drug addled parents, crawling across floors littered with hypodermics and dog crap? What of the person duped out of savings? or the victim of identity theft? or the kindly citizens constantly having to endure the anti social antics of Sammy scrotum and Tracy twelve-kids? We know victims and we may even have been victims. And it's a simple fact that the Police can only do so much. I'm speaking as a citizen now and not as an employee. And it seems that if we want justice in the world we're the one's that have to forge it. And that means looking long and hard at ourselves and seeking to look outward. A me first culture is one that's dead in the water; but one that reaches out, that builds relationships ahead of personal agenda's surely allows us a better chance of success? It's about how we treat each other, about how we raise our kids, about a corporate effort to cultivate a society where we do all that we can to alleviate suffering and promote education and aspiration. Right now there's an underclass, a society of brokenness and loneliness, of lethargy and shallowness. I don't mean to preach; perhaps you disagree? And as for crime, you really need to understand that you, the public, are our eyes and our ears. Without you we can't grease the wheels of justice. Without you, all that any police force can do is put out constant social fires. We're not the solution; you are.

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