Saturday, 25 March 2023

I Picked A Side

I do not think I could be any more disgusted having spent the last several hours ingesting the events that unfolded at the #LetWomenSpeakAuckland rally yesterday. For the unenlightend, a baying mob of radical trans activists, ably assisted by their female handmaids, breached the barriers and proceeded to assault, abuse, and threaten a small gathering of biological women who had come to a public space to share there concerns at the erosion of their safe spaces. This violent horde, consisting mostly of trans women, threw soup at the primary speaker, and created a threatening and expletive strewn wall around these women, eventually causing the shutdown of the entire event. I have already posted a video to my Facebook and Twitter pages today, and if you haven't already please fast forward to around the 26 minute mark and then watch how things unfold. And once you have, can one of you tell me why I, or anybody else, should feel under any obligation to support trans rights after this? Now I'm frequently disgusted at how many of my fellow men go about their business on a day to day basis, and lo and behold it appears that even the one's that claim to be women can't quite shake those masculine urges to dominate, control, and subjugate. What I see when I see this footage is the patriarchy in female garb. I see mysogyny of the highest order. To those of you who chant Trans Women are Women, the obvious question i have is "Really?", and "Are you sure?", because what I see is a group of bullies manifesting the worst traits of the worst kind of men. I am, not to put to finer point on it, enraged. Women fought long and hard for rights that were denied them. And to see pretend women bullying and belittling real women makes me sick to my core. So henceworth I am standing squarely and solely for women. I am standing with women. I will defend, in whatever capacity they require, their rights and entitlements. I will waste not one iota of my time on the men who claim to be women. They have, by their actions, eroded any compassion I might have had. Today I saw violence. I saw a crowd actively seeking to humiliate and silence actual biological women. So I'm done with the fake one's. I'm out. That's not to say I wish them harm or misfortune as this is not how I'm wired. It's just I've picked the side that really needs upholding. The savage irony is that this vast horde could be seen to be carrying banners with the slogan "Be Kind" on them. One has to marvel at such short term memory loss. One could almost be forgiven for suspecting that these counter protestors don't actually believe what they say? So today I am drawing clear blue water between myself and them. I'm handing in my support for their cause. You've rendered yourselves impossible to stand alongside. In Gods name did you not stop to think about the optics of this? Social media is blowing up further to these scenes, with JK Rowling leading the charge. In my life I have tried to consider all sides, and seek to better understand the grievances of minorities as they seek to gain recognition and equality. But I cannot, and will not stand back as an impartial observer whilst I see things such as I have today. I would be a coward to do so. If this seems to you like a rant then you are not mistaken. It is absolutely, emphatically a rant. And I invite those of you to pick a side if you have not already done so. Look at the facts on the ground. Seek to dissect truth from hyperbole. If you do, it will become apparent that we have allowed a mistruth to flourish. A man cannot change into a women, nor a woman into a man. These are brute facts everybody on the planet accepted until about five minutes ago.

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