Sunday, 4 December 2022


Many years ago I penned a somewhat controversial blog entitled "Religion And Cross Dressing". I made the case that in both cases, it was something that some people just felt the need to do. At the time I was an angry recovering Christian and lashing out at friend and foe alike. My views have softened over the years, and for some reason I felt I wanted to revisit this. First up, I would now call that original blog "Religion And Transgenderism", because it better reflects the moment. And you know what? I think the core of the original case holds. In both examples, whether a person is religious minded or transgender, both experiences speak to something in the core of our being. A need to worship something higher than ourselves, a desire to believe this is not all for nothing. And for the person who feels trapped in the wrong body, or who aches to touch the feminine or masculine part of themselves these waters run deep, and to deny who we really are can and in some cases does lead to a lifetime of desolation and dismay. I have genuine compassion for any human who cannot be the truest version of themselves. Any human who feels trapped, aliented, silenced. In the year of our Lord 2022 I find myself wanting to encourage the creation of a society that is safe and nourishing for all. If you have a belief, if there is a religious lens through which you want to see the world do that. If you are a young, gender confused person my hope is that you feel loved and supported, even if perhaps not fully understood. I wish neither demographic any harm, and I ask only that you seek to do no harm to yourself or others. Now at this point some of you might be perplexed? Rob, you've come out swinging againts trans ideology aimed at minors. This is correct, but my concerns here are solely the speed at which kids are being encouraged to transition and given access to medication and treatments that are irreversible and can cause long term harm. Those formative years are a churning and turbulent time when youngs minds are maleable and fixated and not fully developed. In certain cases we must protect these kids againsts themselves. Same with the young boy or girl growing up indoctrinated in a fiercely religious home. The risks are obvious, the potential harms self evident. Adulthood is, in the vast majority of cases, when life altering decisions must be made. Not before. We must be so careful that our compulsions do not propel us towards future misery and emotional dislocation. Your desire to live as a member of the opposit sex, or practice the faith of your choosing is not wrong. Your life is your story, your tale to tell. But, and this part really matters; be ever cautious of making life changing decisions too soon. You likely do have time to reflect, even though every fibre of your being might want to make those great leaps now. Easy for you to say, I hear you observe. Yes, I suppose that's fair. Yet when I look at what is happening around me, and I consider the tale of my own life, I realise that when we stop and take stock, when we measure the benefits against the harms, we can be sure we've done justice to the enormity of the decisions themselves. All of this is to say that you do you, but do so with the greatest of care. Not for the sake of other's. But for you and you alone. You deserve it.

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