Wednesday, 18 October 2023
Route One
I try to keep up with the news. I try to use reliable sources. I rarely know who or what to trust anymore. How did it come to this? We now inhabit a world where apparently men can become women and vice versa, where phrases such as "minor attracted person" are used instead of peadophile, and when 65 percent of young men have checked out of dating because the costs outweigh the benefits. Jeez, its like everything has turned upside ass backwards. And here I am, trying to make sense of the non sensical, looking out onto a landscape where all my reference points are gone. I ask myself, how do I chart a path through this? What balance do I have to strike? And then I realise that this is a pointless consideration as I'm hard wired to be only one thing. Genuine, direct, devoid of window dressing. That's who I am at my core. There's no pretence or machiavellianism. It's route one and all I know. Perhaps I can be too blunt on occasion, too inclined to wash past peoples sensibilities. Yet I just don't see another way? I am this particular kind of human, raw and imperfect and unrefined. And I understand why this isn't to everybody's taste, I really do. I know I can be hard to be around. I know that I lack finesse. But ask yourself, what is it you actually want? Someone who's going to pander and not challenge you and simply reinforce everything you already know? Or somebody who respects you sufficiently to pursue an honest engagement? Now personally I avoid people who take the easy option because I think this lacks courage. And anybody who's read this blog know's that I have a low threshold for cowardice. In many ways I think cowardice is what got the world to this point. We allowed delusional thinking to go unchecked in the name of diversity and equity. We took a softly softly approach and allowed some crazy ideas to take root and flourish. We gave our kids way too much freedom; we affirmed when we should have said no, and in so doing we have raised the most fragile and insecure and entitled generation humanity has ever produced. When adults allow kids to dictate to them it is a recipe for disaster. Kids don't have fully developed brains. Its all impulse and instant gratification and self centred thinking. And if you let that embed what you end up with is an entirely useless human being, fragile and ill equipped to deal with all the challenges that life will present. You know what? I'm not sure whether anybody is going to read this or whether I have struck any chords. I'm writing this solely through my own lens, which has become weary and just a little fed up with what I am seeing unfold. So here's my suggestion. We all have a finite number of years on this planet, and we have a choice as to how we navigate the road. By my end I want to look back and be able to say that I always tried to be the truest version of myself. I never compromised my values for popularity and I never tried to be something that I'm not. Can you say that? Do you want to be able to? Well you can,and frankly the time to start this journey is now.
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