Monday, 7 February 2022

The Peculiar Tale Of Joe Rogan

Have any of you been following the Joe Rogan controversy over recent days? For those unfamiliar, Joe Rogan is the worlds largest podcaster with an audience 10 times the size of most mainstream media outlets. Nothing about what he does is cultured; he just sticks on a camera and spends 3 hours talking with people from all sides of the spectrum. And some of these figures are controversial, with dubious views, none more so than two medical professionals who recently dared question the narrative on vaccines. I've said it before but I will repeat it; I'm triple boosted and pro vaccine, but I expect there are cases where it may have adverse outcomes for some. It's ok to talk about this. We're big enough boys and girls aren't we? Anyways, Rogan has been podcasting for years and has thousands of hours of material, and by his very nature he is rough around the edges. He's smart but not an intellectual, and he has a wonderfully enquiring mind. He doesn't do a whole lot of research before he has guests on, so the resulting discussions are organic with him often learning in real time. He get's it wrong from time to time, as he will be quick to admit, but it is this authenticity which has garnerned him an audience that is so vast. And the mainstream, or as I now refer to them legacy media do not like this. They do not like this to such an extent that it has now been identified that Rogan has been targeted by a Democratic activist group, who have initiated a calculated and phased smear campaign against him. First they accused him of vaccine misinformation and putting lives at risk, and when that didn't stick they put together a professionally edited compilation of him the using the "N" word during the course of his career. Bare in mind that he was was simply quoting rap song lyrics or other people for the most part, although in one instance he does appear to cross the line. The video that was released was solely intended to smear him as a racist, and to put pressure on Spotify to remove him. You see he'd gotten too big. He say's things they don't like. He speaks to people they don't approve of (Anybody with an opposing view) and he platforms people that they despise. So he's got to go. Only the more these Left leaning types try the bigger his audience grows, and I truly believe that this is part of a greater awakening taking place. People are getting wise to the fact that the traditional media such as the BBC, CNN, New York Times and the Independent (to name but four of a vast coalition) are essentially in the pockets of special interest groups beholden to those with political power, and usually with Social Justice proclivities. You might very well be asking what has any of this got to do with you? And the answer is everything. See, the news we receive shapes our worldview, and our worldview shapes our alliances, so you better be damn sure that the news you are getting is as free from bias or background agenda as it can be. And that, ladies and gents, is why I am raising the profile of this particular case. It is the tip of the spear when it comes to freedom of expression, which is as you know the issue which I hold above all others. Just remember, if you do not believe in the freedom of speech for those you dislike then you do not believe in free speech at all. And if you cannot see the ramifications of living in a world where the free exchange of ideas is not assumed, then you are a fool. So here's how I handle this puzzle; I simply advocate that we combat bad ideas with better ideas. I encourage conversation, disagreement, passionate and full throated. More than that, one should never be cowed by smears and bad faith actors. Twice during my time working in my current role I have been challenged for saying things or posting stuff that was deemed offensive. Twice investigated, twice absolved. And why, because I am always very careful to only be critical of ideas and never resort to personal abuse. Existing laws around free speech allow me to do this, and I understand where the line is drawn. So if I want to be critical of Black Lives Matter and label them a vile organisation I will. If I want to challenge the tactics of Trans activists who advocate policies that harm biological women then I will. I will even challenge the Police and some of the deranged examples of thought crime which have caused Officers to doorstep members of the public for saying things that don't meet the spirit of the times. And what I loath about the authoritarian Left is how much delight they take in trying to silence voices of dissent. We use the term cancel but this is too glib. It's so much more malevolent and insidious. How disgusting must a person be who wants to rob another of their voice? How pathetic and weak and tawdry? How about instead you offer ideas that are coherent, appealing, workable? That's your pathway towards advancement. So to conclude I want to raise my flag with team Rogan. I'm all in for open discourse, including the stuff I find hard to palate. I will never try to deny you a voice, or smear you because what you say doesn't mesh with my worldview. I may not like you or respect you but I recognise you have a voice. I might not celebrate your ignorance,but will defend you as you share it with the world.