Tuesday, 15 December 2020

My Thoughts On Donald J Trump

I have made up a new word. Cuntocracy. It's the opposite of Democracy, and what happens when a sufficiently large number of bottom feeders achieve positions of power. The United States has been in the grip of a Cuntocracy for nearly 4 years now as I have watched on in horror. Quite how anyone can make Boris Johnson look normal is a feat in and of itself, but Donald J has managed it. Boris in contrast is conventionally inept, all rhetoric and an absence of reality. There is, I have to be clear, something about Trump that gets to me at a fundamental level. He is a despicable, disgusting conman whom has largely succeeded in beguiling a not insignificant proportion of US Citizens into thinking he cares about them. This creature is incapable of caring for anything other than its own self interest. There are actually two strands to my dismay playing out here, the 1st being my revulsion of the man himself, but a 2nd focused on just how many could have been so deceived. What happened to critical thinking? What happened to fact checking? What happened to taking heed of what one's eyes and ears are communicating? Every time this immense orange imbecile opens his mouth a puppy dies. It offends me that someone so self evidently lacking in all area's could have reached the dizzy heights of President. He is a cretin. He has the oral capability of a Zombie worm (It's a species that doesn't have a mouth, in case you were wondering), and the attention span of a Goldfish with Alzheimers. He is absent all forms of decency; depraved and malicious to an astonishing degree. I can find no redeeming quality. Of course the truth of it is that he has been utilised as a "Useful Idiot" by his Republican colleagues. So long as they massaged his ego and primed him in the correct ways he would carry out their will. At least that's how I read it. How else could so many intelligent men consent to be led by such an absurd Orangutang? And you know what? When he was first elected I simply considered him as a somewhat narcissistic idiot. I knew he would be manipulated, as this is what becomes of men such as these. He's an obvious target. What has surprised me however is his descent into something not so very far from evil. Something really dark, really dangerous. Be under no illusion that could he have stolen the election he would have. And his accolytes would have followed him. That's the really troubling element in all this. Just how humans have this propensity for deceiving and being deceived. I can totally see now how the people of Germany were beguiled by Hitler. Populism has this terrible ability to win over large numbers with relatively little effort. Just imagine for a moment if Trump did have anything close to an intellect? Ponder that. It's a terrifying prospect. Fortunately we need to have no such concerns. But what is a worry is that all over the world people seem to be becoming a bit more gullible. The UK with our Brexit insanity, some Eastern European countries with their lurch towards old fashioned strongmen. I don't know what it is going to take to get people to think about things a bit more. To weigh and measure, to be led by more than soundbytes. As I inferred, the UK has what I might refer to as a traditionally useless Government. I don't fear for Democracy over here, just for continued bad decision making. But in the United States they came mightyclose to being the subject of a coup at the hands of a blazing lunatic. Donald Trump is the king of the fools, the least impressive example of masculinity I have seen in my entire life. Surely we need to be on our guard in future? Surely a bit more attentive? When we take our car to a garage we want the best mechanic, and when we visit a GP we want the best Dr. Doesn't it stand to reason that we should have similar expectations from those we elect to lead?