Monday, 12 November 2012

How I Use My Stardust

One of my favourite truths is the fact that in order for us to live, stars must die. The fact that the elements that make life possible can only be produced within the interior of dying stars is something I find profoundly moving. I mean, it's just an awesome thought isn't it? You and I; stardust. This knowledge compels me to use my time on Earth wisely, and also informs some of my philosophies for living. Talking of which, for what it's worth I try to live my life without doing so at the expense of other people. By that I don't mean I never speak out or confront; but rather I give people the space and freedom to express themselves unless what they do causes direct or indirect harm to others. I've got very liberal views for the most part, but I'm also prepared to be tough on those who want a free ride when they are more than capable of carrying themselves. Laziness is an ugly thing; especially when it's based on the assumption that others will automatically pick up the slack. I'm also, as you may have clocked, no fan of people who make claims about reality which the evidence doesn't support. Such views do not deserve respect. None shall be given. That said, I've gradually softened towards some aspects of religion. The average believer is benign and uses faith as a positive lens through which to see the world. As such no problem; crack on. I'll only get twitchy when you start trying to tell me that I have to share your beliefs, or that my gay friends cannot marry the people they love, or that Noah was real. Continuing on this whirlwind tour of my ideology, I'm no fan of abortion. Here's my take; if you want to reduce terminations then reduce conceptions. We do this by educating people, making access to healthcare straightforward, and ensuring people are aware of all options. If countries do this, like say Holland, then abortion figures plummet. I'm not for a ban because statistically that doesn't reduce the numbers; at least not according to the World Health Organisation. Oh yeah, I do dislike religious people who want to see abortion banned whilst also claiming that birth control should not be made widely available. What complete fools these people are; dig a big hole and deposit them henceforth. And so to sex. Big fan of openness and candour. Big thumbs down to the standard British nudge nudge wink wink perspective. Lets create a culture where people can express themselves creatively and safely and just plain enjoy this part of themselves. Concerning the qualities I like, it's transparency and genuineness. I've got a growing bee in my bonnet about people who lack the courage to say directly what they then bleat to friends or colleagues. We've all had the occasional rant when tempers flare, but there's a type of person who you just know is going to speak when others are out of earshot. And they are, please note, incredibly easy to spot. If you want some indicator as to how they may possibly speak about you, simply listen to what they say about others. It's as simple as that. Anyway, this vent is well, vented. Have a nice day. Don't get shot or eaten by wild animals.

Friday, 9 November 2012

Jimmy Fixed It Alright

There's a media storm brewing. Dustbins are being pilfered, archives scoured, all in the wake of the debacle surrounding the tedious Mr Saville. Whilst Jim may have fixed it for underage children in ways that sicken us all, he has also prompted a frenzy of suspicion and tacit finger pointing which probably isn't going to benefit anybody. Consider the following; due to the publicity surrounding the abuse of our children the problem has lessened; it seems that it now carries such a stigma that whilst a person can still commit these crimes, they can be in no doubt as to how society will perceive them. Our children are our most precious resource and must be protected from predators in all guises. But, and its essential we take note here; it must not come at the expense of a witch hunt or a media feeding frenzy. Which is what I fear now. I am concerned that people are going to be smeared, lives unnecessarily ruined on the back of unverified rumour and suspicion. Some mud sticks more than others, and the taint of being a possible abuser is a hard one to shirk. And so to my point; our investigations must be thorough and exacting and based on the evidence. There's that word again; evidence. It's a word that should be central to all our vocabularies, over riding our personal agenda and innermost desires if need be. And now is the time where the evidence must be a beacon; we must be guided by it and compelled into action based on our findings. The abuse of children is despicable and a scourge we must eradicate, but we'll serve our values and our integrity best if we go about it properly. At the moment I share our Prime Ministers concern; there's a mood out there that wants to point the finger first and accrue the data later. This isn't good enough. Not even close. And it's a short cut to placing us in a worse position than we were before. Lets bring the guilty to justice, and punish both them and those whom protect them. Lets search every hard drive, every cupboard, every nook to bring these evil people into the open. But above all, lets do it in the right way.