Wednesday 19 September 2012

To Give Without Gain

I've just been really moved by the following quote; "You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him" Don't read on just yet. Read the quote again, and appreciate the personal challenge that such a statement poses. In light of this I can only reflect on my own selfishness, and it causes me a real unease. I can understand why the historical Jesus compels many, for his was a life devoted to the ultimate expression of this. Ok, I know that history tells us the Gospels probably only contain a bit of historical truth, but there remains something to admire in any individual who can look beyond them-self and willingly give with a relentless persistence. I can't do it. At least not for long. I seem to have a certain amount of empathy which when expired permits of no further activism. Sure, I try to show kindness and be available for people, but how often do I actually pro-actively do it? And do I actively seek out opportunities to give of my time? It occurs to me that females are traditionally much better at this than men, which I suppose has some evolutionary origin. Women appear better at looking outward, of being sensitive to those around them. This is a quality I greatly admire. In fact, I dislike people who appear unable to look beyond themselves, the kind that never ask another how they are, or be just a bit sensitive to the dynamic of the environment around them. Now whilst I'm mindful of my own selfish core I do retain a genuine interest in the lives of others. When I ask how someone is I'm generally prepared to invest my time should the answer not come back as the default "Fine" Sometimes people aren't fine. Sometimes somebody to listen to them could mean the world, the difference between a bad day and a slightly better one. I want to be the kind of person who makes people's bad days better. I want to be outward looking and attuned to things beyond my own ego. I'm not always successful, and boy I'm a work in progress. But hey, we've all got to start somewhere.

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